Indianhead Sheep and Goat Breeders Association 2018 Small Ruminant Clinic
Indianhead Sheep and Goat Breeders Association Small Ruminant Clinic, formally the Indianhead Sheep Breeders Association ”Shepherds Clinic” will be held Saturday, February 3, 2018 at the Conference Center in the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, 1900 College Drive, Rice Lake, WI 54868. The Small Ruminant Clinic will begin at 8:45 a.m. with a welcome, and our featured speakers will begin at 9:00 a.m. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m.
This 24th annual clinic continues to be one of the largest educational events of the winter for sheep and now including goat producers and 4-H and FFA youth in the Upper Midwest. The 2018 Small Ruminant Clinic program “Successfully Managing Small Ruminants” with keynote speakers Dr. Dan Morrical, retired Sheep Extension Specialist from Iowa State University and Dr. Cindy Wolf, DVM and Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota will focus on Using Technologies to Increase Production, Reducing Newborn Mortality Rates, Tubing Newborns & an Autopsy, Basic Nutrition, Micro Minerals, Ration Balancing, VFD, Crossbreeding, Parasite and Coccidia Control. Other guest speakers will address the topics of Ventilation Principles and New Systems, a USDA Wildlife Specialist will discuss their Agency, Predation and Livestock Guard Animals.
The youth will have a day filled with Intro to Sheep & Goats: Meat & Dairy, How to Feed Small Ruminants show animals, as well as a Fitting and Showing your Project Animal session. A Skillathon will test what the youth have learned throughout the day. The youth clinic will qualify for any educational requirements that your counties may require to show.
To pull up a registration form online, visit and mail to Barron County UW-Extension, 335 Monroe Ave. Room 2206, Barron, WI 54812, any questions Duane Klindworth, Clinic Chair @ 715-471-0403. You can also pull up the registration form and view the clinic schedule on the ISGBA Facebook page or The registration fee to attend the Small Ruminant Clinic is $40 per person for ISGBA members and $50 per person non-members. 4-H and FFA and other youth pay only $15 per person for the clinic. The registration fee covers the program costs, and the noon meal. Preregistration deadline is January 26, 2018. Late registrations cost an additional $10 for adults and $5 for youth.